воскресенье, 1 июля 2012 г.

Первая монография о поездке А. С. Грибоедова в Киев и Крым.

Незадолго до начала работы научной конференции «Первые Международные Грибоедовские чтения в Алуште» в свет вышла книга  «Грибоедов и Крым» – первая монография, посвящённая южному периоду жизни и творчества великого классика.

Минчик С. С. Грибоедов и Крым : монография / Сергей Сергеевич Минчик. – Симферополь : Бизнес-Информ, 2011. – 276 с.

ISBN 978-966-648-306-8

Научный редактор

Зябрева Галина Александровна – кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры русской и зарубежной литературы Таврического национального университета имени В. И. Вернадского.


Михед Павел Владимирович – доктор филологических наук, профессор, заведующий отделом славянских литератур Института литературы имени Т. Г. Шевченко Национальной академии наук Украины.

Фризман Леонид Генрихович – доктор филологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры русской и мировой литературы Харьковского национального педагогического университета имени Г. С. Сковороды.

Книга посвящена малоизвестным страницам жизни и творчества Александра Сергеевича Грибоедова (1794–1829) – драматурга, литератора, композитора, государственного деятеля, ключевым образом повлиявшего на культурные, общественные и геополитические процессы своего времени.
В монографии исследуется путешествие Грибоедова на Юг в 1825 году. Доказывается неправомерность традиционных подходов к осмыслению данного события, при помощи оригинального сочетания междисциплинарных и собственно литературоведческих методов научного анализа воссоздаётся его подлинная фактография. Впервые определяется место Крыма в судьбе прославленного автора «Горя от ума», выявляется роль поездки на полуостров в идейно-творческом развитии великого писателя и дипломата.
Филологам, историкам, культурологам, искусствоведам, философам, краеведам, а также всем, кто любит Крым и русскую словесность.


Minchik S. S. Griboyedov and Crimea / S. S. Minchik. – Simferopol : Business-Inform, 2011. – 276 p.

The monograph presents an independently developed concept of A. S. Griboyedov’s journey to Kiev and Crimea, which marked a new stage in development of his vital and creative positions.
The paper contains the most complete up to-date restoration of the historical background of A. S. Griboyedov’s stay in the South and critical examination of scientific works on the given topic carried out for the first time. It turns out that the journey of 1825, according to the established in science tradition, was linked and still is associated with the playwright’s participation in the activities of radical organizations. As a result, a number of circumstances of Griboyedov’s Southern journey, analysis of which allows to evaluate its creative dimension impartially, remain without proper attention. The monograph is an attempt to explore the writer’s visit to Kyiv and Crimea in the context of outstanding events of his civic and artistic destiny.
As a result, the conception of the writer’s environment in the given period is corrected and supplemented. Subsequently it is established that the important place among the persons close to the writer during travel was occupied not with the representatives of the revolutionary underground, but with religious figures, industrialists and writers. Therefore the complex issues, that have drawn Griboyedov’s attention concer-ning undertaken journey and the evolution of his views on life and art, are revealed.
Some unknown archival materials connected with Gribo-yedov’s figure are brought in the scientific usage. So the internal crisis of the playwright which is traditionally referred to as Crimean «hypochondria» can be explained differently. Moreover its attack has been caused by the visit of the Crimean manor Sably, with owner of which, the count A. P. Zavadovsky, the author «Woe from Wit» bounded the participation in «the duel of four» in 1817, which ended with the death of V. V. She- remetev. Therefore this event, which is obviously underestimated by science, has resolutely affected essence of Griboyedov’s axiology, having caused its transformation and having affected creative search of the writer.
In the research the impact of Kiev and the Crimean journey stages on the formation of literary ideas of various genre and generic nature is analyzed for the first time. In particular, the general characteristics of the dramatic triptych from an Old Russian history and its key link, which is the tragedy of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, that was sought to become the peak of Griboyedov’s playwriting talent, are reconstructed. The research reveals ideologically thematic features of the tragedy, their conditionality with painful reflections of the writer concerning his part in a tragical outcome of «the duel of four» and the link of the latter with the reasons on which the text of the conceived work hasn’t reached our days. Furthermore the key role of the Crimean diary in the course of Griboyedov’s creative evolution as writer-intellectual is grounded and the place of the given work within the boundaries of his artistic and nonfiction prose is defined. It is also indicated, how the journey to the South reflected on the pathos of the poem «Predators on the Chegem».
Thus the treatment of A. S. Griboyedov’s Southern journey as a landmark event in his life, that affected the general system of his vital (social and spiritual) reference points and all aspects of the creative (drama, lyric, epic) heritage, is given reason in the monograph.

Key words: dramaturgic triptych, factual commenting, fiction-documentary prose, genre of diary, griboyedovistic, idea and creative evolution, reconstruction analysis, scientific biography, tragedy.

Ключевые слова: драматургический триптих, реальное комментирование, художественно-документальная проза, жанр дневника, грибоедоведение, идейно-творческая эволюция, реконструктивный анализ, научная биография, трагедия.

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